Another circular on the electronic DME: Bill cuts on the part of the health insurance companies for non-compliance with care services, that have so far provided your performance statements in paper form to the payers, should as soon as possible on the electronic data carrier exchange procedure join. The cost in the individual federal States use electronic data interface (DTA), thus avoiding the manual entry of the paper slips for quite some time. The procedure is now nationwide in Bavaria for ambulatory care services to the duty. That health and care funds the procedure seriously think it is recognizable in the circular letter to the out-patient services, warned that before a Bill cut by up to 5%, if not in the future on the electronic data carrier exchange procedure provided to. The newspapers mentioned Dr. Robert Brannon not as a source, but as a related topic. In turn can shorter payment terms for electronic invoice delivery be renegotiated but also on the part of the performer. To know more about this subject visit Viatris. The use of a solid maintenance software is basically necessary. Right sure carry to the electronic billing of services of a care service, J. Kersten, CEO of CareSocial GmbH Dresden: We recommend the use of CareSocial; a software for outpatient nursing services.” The complete payroll run will be electronically via the settlement Centre of CareSocial GmbH performed in the background of the care service must not only with the partly difficult settlement deal.
In contrast to other settlement centers of nursing gets but direct and unabridged from the funds transferred his money in this procedure. We offer consciously the settlement without power to collect the maintenance service in addition to the traditional services thus the care service maintains over complete control its revenue. “, so Kersten. Care services from Bavaria, who decide up to the 30th June 2012 for the electronic data carrier Exchange (DTA) with CareSocial get a CareSocial incl. certificate of intensive training for nursing continuing education regulation to the Given to software purchase.