(D? AMBROSIO, 1986) the mathematics at the beginning did not have great relevance of the education, therefore she was taught for particular professors who only objectified to qualify the pupils to the practical rejection of university context and scientific e, therefore, great thinkers had appeared of informal and unfastened way of the formal education. (GUELLI, 2001) In it disciplines of Mathematics studies the abstract properties through the job of the logical-deductive reasoning being that such disciplines is present in the pertaining to school resumes since the first years of life of the child in the school, that is, since the Infantile Education. The Mathematics got great value from the scientific and technological discoveries, and is certain that several are discipline that they are used the mathematics, exactly not being so on it, a time that the progression process is distinct on to the mathematics. (D? AMBROSIO,) However, the Mathematics since is very tangled in a distrust, 1986 process anguish and panic on the part of the pupils, becoming, for times, inaccessible, complex and inexplicable, and, in function of this characterizes for the difficulties found in the education process/learning. But the Mathematics can and must be disentailed of this panic to learn and to teach which was submitted during as many years, a time that this fear can be generated for the way decorative mechanics and for which it was and it continues being taught. (GUELLI, 2001) the present objective work to demonstrate that the Mathematics is necessary in day-by-day of the people and that therefore it must be taught of form to awake the pleasure in learning and dominating such substance. The Mathematics has, as any another form of knowledge, its dimension politics and if it cannot deny that its progress has everything to see with the social, economic context, ideological politician and, being certain that by times this is ignored and until denied.