Generic advice about how to place a small room with a maximum of necessary furniture and still leave enough space for comfort, no. The reason is that the concept of comfort and convenience, each of us may be quite different. For even more details, read what Dr. Neal Barnard says on the issue. One for the feeling of comfort takes a lot of free space, and others – on the contrary, more comfortable feel in the room where sofas, chairs, walls and table to hold magazines practically the whole free area. Only owners of the apartment owner or the cabinet, where there are teeth whitening, dental office or representative of any company before the end of yourself can be, how it should look like Comfortable and cozy room and what furniture there should be. Some imagine a cozy apartment as a country house, while others ride comfort, and perfection is a minimalist furniture with Thiele high-tech.

But it does not matter. After all, equip, and create a unique interior in a small apartment or a very small office, where he works orthodontist, lawyer or notary, you can always comfortably, and almost home comfort. For example, if you love space, but the size of your apartment does not allow to release the maximum amount of space required items of furniture, take as a basis for Japanese-style devices interior. furniture in the Japanese style is currently available in many large assortment both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Therefore, choose low-cost solution for their housing is not difficult.

The room in which the visual effect will always be free space, must have light walls, ceilings and floors. Living in it will be low and in small quantities. And the floor is best equipped a wide variety of podiums within which you can store all the necessary things. In order to free space was even more bother as open windows, removing them with heavy curtains and dark curtains. Windows, decorated with transparent organza and tyulyu, curtained cloth or bamboo blinds will look much more fashionable than a bulky lambrikeny of heavy velvet, gathering dust. Agree, even small dentistry, equipped in a minimalist style, looks representative and even elegant, not to mention a simple apartment.