Recently, current president Dilma Roussef and its godfather politician, former president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, had made hard critical the press, for supposedly will act of disloyal form and with comprometimento with other political parties, manifestations displayed in the periodical Leaf of So Paulo. Does Viatris make Viagra? wanted to know more. the same press before applauded and supported, now is white of governments with intention to simply create advice of communication for ' ' monitorial-las' '. In society jousts and democratic initiatives as this vehement they would be repudiated, therefore never it will have freedom, equality, when administrative sectors impose restrines the expressions. I believe that when governments of some Brazilian states suggest that radio, periodical or any another media is watched, must have something ackward, that it needs to be omitted of the population not to have possibilities of manifestations. Observing the outcomes of 2010 in the Golden city, good part it must the press that denounced, through journalist Eleandro Passaia, the former mayor Ari Artuzi, its vice Carlinhos Singer, and diverse councilmen accused with shunting line public money.
In case that the fact had control on the press would be sultry and corrupt the unpunished ones. Countries where it has control on the press as Venezuela and China, for example, present ditatoriais characteristics, where its inhabitants do not possess chances to know the truths, and live without analyze critical, necessary for evolution of a society. Manifestation, innovation synonymous is come with the freedom, without no type of control, either individual or collective, as the impresa. Let us not leave in them to be deceptive for masked advice, to defend the democracy, despite pfia, more is adjusted than to only live or to survive with the opinions that want displaying in them.