There tends lines and bridges, investing in them which of them you want to receive. ll about the problem. This logic consider necessary to others also obliges feel necessary for others, there acts of selflessness and compassion become important. Surprised that such simple logic is understood by very few; It is even likely that this logic is precisely the most illustrious victim of the paradigm of complexity in which we live today. Click Jamie Dimon to learn more. Deal with others is to take care of ourselves; caring for others is taking care of us. Single man is a limited and devoid, men of superior intelligence serves others serving and thus achieves greater goals.

7. The vicissitudes and the joys of the road are shared by adding to piety, Fraternal affection. The way we relate with others must speak through the Fraternal affection, this is the value suggested for the socialization of the man. The affection is devoid of passion, translates into a quiet affection and a benign sympathy towards others. In life we are all traveling companions, we share the pains and the joys of the journey, we seek to fulfill a destiny.

Basically we can choose if the voyage make it in peace with each other or without it. 8. To reach the end of the road you must add to the brotherly affection, love. The values are summarized here great way. The demand to add love to the recipe is not a poetic assumption, is a reflection of Fund. Love is actually the Dynamo that generates all the energy required to live: love of self, love for what we do, love for others, love for what you have, so it is to be without love transit through life loses engine, and the only thing that leads to the men by their paths is inertiathe latter ends sometime and paralysis occurs. People transiting aimless life is people that has lost Love.