However, few companies less than 5% – effectively struggle against work-related stress, despite the fact that this is the reason most noted by Spanish workers to leave their companies, according to two conscientious study of the consulting firm Watson Wyatt. Among the companies that begin to do something, most common initiatives tend to be those associated dress short to their executives, take them to a country setting and invite them to de-stress with a more or less hedonistic Hostel offer. Others offer their employees, in gyms from the company itself, maintenance or pilates classes, counselling or free physiotherapist during some sessions. There are still others who organize Championships of paddle tennis, football, golf, nutrition courses, or even to finance up to 70 percent necessary for smoking cessation therapy. All with the aim of acupressure.Even so, actions taken around the prevention of occupational risks and the abovementioned aimed at the improvement of occupational health, walking still far apart, and much of what is being done in the companies with the aim of preventing stress, do not cease to be measured point and little elaborate, leaving little room for structural organizational strategies and encourage the participation of workers for flexibility in work schedules, or promote a greater compatibility of work with family responsibilities. Beyond also, measures associated with leisure, culture or sport, some, although still few companies opt for educational programs from emotional Court, or schools of back, that far from having intended to decompress, place priority provide the worker’s personal resources, to not stress. Ergonomic risks and psychosocial, in the workplace, have an impact and consequences, unfortunate enough, as to be the only measures that offer businesses to try to avoid them, palliative cutting.