DietGourmet, healthy home restoration company, continues with its policy of advice in the different diets that must be carried out in every season of the year. Autumn often give terminate vacation: us reincorporamos to work and children back to school. The seasonal change and return to the routine of work make us feel a little tired and stressed. It should include foods such as pasta, rice, vegetables or potatoes which provide energy and are poor in fats in our diet. Vitamins and minerals, recalling that stress can influence their loss must not miss. Foods that provide energy, heat and provide enough calories to counteract the cold outside must be used to accommodate the arrival of autumn through the everyday kitchen.
This translates into reduced meals and cold drinks and choose seasonal food with preference. Salads can leave space in the weekly menus to soups and creams, while fresh fruits will cede ground to the roasted, baked or stewed, explained Marisela Salas, general director of DietGourmet. The autumn months are ideal to fill the shopping basket of a variety of vegetables and seasonal vegetables such as eggplant, carrots, leeks, onions, lettuces and scarole and all kinds of sprouts. Ones and others contain compounds which, besides being the flavorings and natural flavouring of these vegetables also are distinguished by their functional qualities antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These two effects are essential for food serve helps the organism to cope with colds, flus, and infections, common in seasonal changes. Eggs, fish, both white and blue, and lean meats such as chicken, beef, Turkey can also be ideal for autumn days, adding dietary seasonal fruit such as grapes, pears, apples, bananas or berries. For the normal development of all vital functions humans need the contribution regular of about 40 different nutritional components. If we take it in quantity or missing one single insufficient they appear more or less severe deficiency symptoms.
A normal diet should provide energy (calories), macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in certain amounts and water, explains Dr. Susana Monereo, head of Endocrinology of the University Hospital of Getafe in Madrid, together with his team is in charge of the diets of the company. DietGourmet is a novel concept of restoration at home that has triumphed in other countries of the world. This company provides its customers a tasty and rich, healthy and balanced diet at home without having to lose time when you go to buy or cook food. Thus, this formula of healthy eating is constituted as an alternative to the typical fast food or fast food, serving home products refrigerated, already cooked and who only need a prior heating, usually in microwave. Natural products like fruits, salads and fresh food are also served. DietGourmet committed to a plan diets made based on current concepts of Mediterranean cuisine, balanced and varied. Menus that are prepared in minutes and have been manufactured according to the international recommendations of energy requirements and adapted to each particular case at home, without having to lose time when you go to buy or cook food. The dishes are made with fresh food, no colorants and preservatives, with Virgin olive oil and with natural seasonings typical of the Mediterranean diet. For more information: 91 409 44 94 Jjcomunicaccion creams recipe: pumpkin cream with goat cheese Of all a little blue planet the 100 market. MARKET of small producers local of trade fair and development sustainable Pomegranate juice, high concentration of antioxidants Nutrition fresh fruit juices Nutrition applied correctly your creams on face and neck tanguapos