Very good day greetings to all, he was looking for a good recipe and after finding it I wanted to share with you, is why today I bring you this delicious and easy recipe for recipe of boy Pacific with vegetable cream an excellent choice to learn how to cook easy recipes and enjoy with the whole family. This recipe is for 4 people. Pacific boy recipe ingredients for the recipe of boy’s Pacific: 10 of boy, well thin slices 1 cup water 1 cup of sauce and tomato or tomato paste 1 teaspoon paprika 4 tablespoons honey 1 egg, finely chopped, white onion 2 red peppers, escalibados, cut into julienned pineapple, diced 2 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons of wheat flour 1 cup grated panela 1 cup powder cake 1 white of egg preparation for the recipe of boy Pacific: marinate the meat with mustard, garlic and pepper, pass each chop by flour, then beaten egg and then by cake powder, let stand refrigerated for 10 min. Fry the meat in oil hot, put in the pot to pressure with the other ingredients, bring fire and stop beeping for 15-20 min. If you want more it thickens the sauce add a little cornstarch or flour dissolved in a little water or wine.
Vegetables recipe cream ingredients: 1 pound fresh peas pound mushrooms chopped 2 carrots, cut into cubes 1 cauliflower, in wedges pound of beans, cut into brunoise 1 colino junca, cut into brunoise onion 2 tbsp. butter milk powder Cup hot water salt, pepper, oregano to taste preparation for vegetables with cream recipe: Blending in water butter, milk, salt, pepper and oregano place all vegetables in pot pressure, bathing with flavoured milk, carry fire and stop beeping for 3 min. Serve hot boy recipes Pacific with vegetable cream is one of my favorites, I invite you to visit my recipe and enjoy delicious easy recipes as cod recipes and recipes of homemade muffins.