One of the biggest challenges most of the list, which can get all each of us on his path of life – this disease. Because that health – that is the actual value that is very easy to lose, and in fact can not be return intact. It's like a split bowl – traces of cleavages, even super glued the new members, will continue to be the most vulnerable site. Today, the most frequently occurring diseases, which may current citizens suffer – it's respiratory system. We get used to this, used to having a cough or breathing non-free and made no mention of including all kinds of variants of allergic reactions accompany us daily. And do not think about how to cure these diseases. And they can and must be stopped.
Because all of the disease is much easier to prevent than cure. One of the list very often encountered difficulties, particularly in fans of smoking, it is COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Need to say that this disease potentially vulnerable not only direct but also indirect smokers. Deviations of respiratory system in any form are extremely dangerous, or at least significantly reduce the level of quality of life. It is believed that the importance of air is able to realize the only person who can sink. I mean, only when we can feel the lack, indeed clearly perceptible flaw in their own health, we begin this area of its own state of health assessed on its merits.
And this is understandable in some places. Even our forefathers thought that "as long as thunder breaks out – a simple peasant will not cross." Required to push start to really, it was clear how badly would be without what we have without some stress, and therefore not appreciate properly – without a healthy state. Annual or more frequent therapeutic diagnosis throughout the cultural world are people without any additional hints. Since it is put into the culture and social priorities. Physically healthy man – a citizen who has the ability to maximize use of their capacities. That is a much more successful. Therefore, not only spirometer, weight change, pressure, and other parameters, but also regular visits to ENT and other physicians are in the states of Europe and America, a normal and necessary aspect of spending. Health insurance usually includes an indispensable item: Regular diagnosed by a doctor. Than the regular one comes to the doctors, the more elaborate picture of their patient's health. And the more effective they will be able to heal in the event of any problems. In the future, and we This trend also will find its own expression in total brain. And in this case we do – become completely healthy!