The reduction of costs with the Hospital Internment searching to keep the quality makes with that private companies they find alternatives viable that take care of its public. In times where it has a great which had sick population to some factors, one happens ' ' despertar' ' for the necessity to reduce the costs and to offer more. The Domiciliary Internment if has shown a satisfactory option filling these necessities. This model of assistance requires professional centered in the illness, to construct one to think and one to make, creating possible strategies to carry through. For in such a way, if it makes necessary a qualified professional and a multiprofissioal team (doctors, nurses, technician of nursing, nutritionists, psychologists and physiotherapists) so that this type of assistance is efficient. They had been collected given in a private company immediate of health, located in the region of the Valley of the Bells, in the city of New Hamburgo/RS.
The company counts on a team to multidiscipline, that they are: doctors, nurses, technician of nursing, nutritionist, secretary, to assist administrative, beyond a Service of Psicologia and Fisioterapia. The company in study has as objective: to be a differential providing better quality of life to the patients; to reduce costs, being kept the quality of the attendance; to reduce the risks of hospital infection; to prevent the loss of the familiar bond; to prevent internments and reinternaes e; to promote whitewashing, favoring the autonomy. Through an interview carried through with the managers of the program in the Institution in study, the admission in the services of home care follows some criteria for admission. Amongst them they are, to be: user of the health plan; carrier of chronic patologias, degenerative, seqelares terminals and that he needs cares special; carrier of acute patologias with clinical stability; patient with frequent or drawn out reinternaes; postoperative patient, who needs cares special.