The social status is still one of the most important factors in terms of health, which is why cheap home remedy certainly gaining importance in a latest published study of the Robert Koch Institute shows that also the social status determines how healthy it is. The social status is made as an index of educational attainment, occupational status, and income in the household. Therefore, the risk for people with a low social status compared to someone with a high social status is more than twice as high, at least once in life to coronary heart disease. High time for cheap tools to strengthen the health. The results of DEGS reports show clear differences in the probability to fall ill during the course of life of coronary heart disease. The probability in people with a high social status is just 6.5 percent.
The difference to people with a medium-sized social status is still not as big but still present. Here the probability is 8.8 Percent. Much more clearly the difference then is in people with low social status. 13.7% Here is the probability. If health is actually more a matter of social status, it is of course all the more important for people with low incomes with affordable home remedies in addition to do something for your own health. In part 4 of our small health primer, it comes to resources to strengthen heart and slightly dry skin. Hawthorn force syringe for the heart in the 1990s demonstrated the heart-regulating effect of Hawthorn. The leaves and flowers of this shrubby tree have a widening effect on the vessels.
Of course one, it reduces a mild high blood pressure. On the other hand, the oxygen supply is promoted. This affects the cardio vascular system as a whole very conducive. There is the possibility to buy a Hawthorn supplement (in the pharmacy available) and take this statement in the leaflet. Of course helps also, the pleasure of Hawthorn tea. Hawthorn tea 1EL blossoms 250 ml hot water pour over and simmer for 15 minutes. Elder of the ALLROUNDER of the majority of the population knows elderberry probably, if at all, as food. Whether as jam, in the limo or the ice cream, the flowers and berries of the elderberry Bush (or Bush) find many forms of preparation as food. Elderberry is less known however as a medicinal. Elder, for example, a good home remedy for cold feet, chills and colds is prepared as a tea. Elderberry tea brings the body back slightly more on temperature. But that is not the only way to use elderberry as house or medicinal. The number of agents in the elderberry is new energy also stressed skin. To a lotion’ itself to produce 2EL plucked from elderberry flowers in 500 ml milk 40 degree Celsius heat. Then remove from the heat and zugerdeckt for some hours (perhaps overnight) are available Let. In the morning, then strain the elder milk in a sink filled with water. Wash the rough areas of the skin with the solution. Use no SOAP. So, the skin is newly inspired. Barbara Reisen E.k..