Free read book summaries – Liviato PM) Berlin, 15.01.2011 – that specialized online portal is now more than 3,000 summaries of German-language books on the Kindle available on book summaries Liviato. After the free registration and short Setup, book summaries available at Liviato can be transferred simply on push of a button on the eBook reader. Liviato this gap of German-language literature in the currently available content for the Kindle eBook reader and acts as a pioneer in the provision of comprehensive free texts for the eBook reader of the world’s leading online bookseller Amazon. “We have opened in the last year our online platform and can offer now more than 3000 summaries of books free of charge. In late summer, we introduced with the Liviato podcast the ability to listen to book summaries as audiobooks on Mp3 players such as the iPod or Tablet PCs, like the iPad, for free.

The connection of our content on the next logical step in our digital innovation strategy for the book market is mobile devices such as the Kindle,”says Managing Director Michael Romer. All book summaries at are written reproduction of the content of a book by users. Summaries are editorially tested prior to release and can be rated by the readers of the summary and commented. The area of fiction but also increasingly to literature is very popular with the Liviato customer, you can constantly keep track of the current literature on time-saving way, dennso. The most popular book summary in 2010 but is the book “Germany abolishes itself” by Thilo Sarrazin. The controversial box-office hit was read more than 2500 times.