The projects have both generations benefit, they should grow the solidarity between the generations. Also, the role model projects for others should have and animate, to implement them in a different environment. The competition is now in the 2nd round and ends at the 12.11 2013. The winners are determined by an external jury and announced within the framework of the award ceremony in February 2014. The winner will be awarded a prize of 3,000 euros, the runner-up will receive 1,500 euros, the third place 500 euros. Donations received specifically for this competition will increase the prize money according to.
Registration documents are stored on our website or delivered to you gladly on request by E-mail or post. Wade founded in 2007 escaping the solitude e.V., with the aim to improve the living conditions of older people and their position in society. Poverty, disease and isolation in the age themes that are always still much too rarely are made public”, explains Chairman Dagmar Hirche. Age is an issue that concerns us all. And all together we can do something about it, so that we our lives as long as possible even can make.” Our motto is: A long life to be luck no load.
The club its funded exclusively through donations, membership dues and voluntary commitment. Medicine ways out of the solitude e.V. is nominated for the charity award 2013 Springer. Dagmar Hirche is a special honorary award 2011, winner of the Golden image of the woman. Celebrities support by TV presenter Maxi Arland Maxi Arland is known to an audience of millions as a singer and television presenter of the ARD. The 32-year old entertainer has been since his 13th year on the stage and can look back on an exciting career. His entertainment shows in the first and the third programmes belong to the most watched music broadcasts. Maxi Arland is also volunteer for social projects. “He is an Ambassador of Wade and supports the Club escaping the solitude e.V. from conviction: I would like to help the Club and the idea that behind, to move more in the public eye.