Being characterized for half-barren climate and vegetation of caatinga, the Hinterland occupies the space vastest of the northeast interior. In general way, polygon of the Droughts happens with the call, that had its definite perimeters and legitimately together nine states: Alagoas, Bahia, Cear, Minas Gerais, Paraba, Pernambuco, Piau, Rio Grande of Norte and Sergipe. Extrapolarando, consequently, the borders of the Northeast region. In this way, in the ground of the hinterland, in common little compact, eroded periodically for sporadical and dependent streams for this climate with its fortuitous rain discontinuities, types of vegetation are developed that assent to the gegrafos distinction of three climato-botanical sub-areas: the Wasteland, the Caatinga and the High Hinterland. The Wasteland forms a band of trajectory between the half-barren and espinhento Northeast and the other humid and verdejante Northeast of the canaviais. Existing continuously in the landscape of this sub-area the presence of the water.
the rivers that do not arrive to total dry in the summer, supporting always scarce filete of water or empoados the extension. The vegetation if constitutes under the silhouette of espinhentas forests, spacing in the ground half-barren of the Hinterland the bush of the humid Region. Soon the Caatinga is the empire of the cactceas. In its arrepiados ground aggressive and dry they arrebentam crown-of-frade and mandacarus of thorns. The trees agachadas in shrubs and its herbaceous gneses conclude the burnt landscape of the Caatinga. Being the zone of bigger northeast dryness, with its restricted rivers at the time droughts to the bands of sand, hot stream beds entirely displayed to the sun. In the High Hinterland, the climate is alleviated lightly, the vegetation, of type of savannah, if lines up, in certain zones, with the green bands of the carnaubais, capturing the fertile valleys of the region. Becoming little dense some espinhentas species and the droughts that are less insensitive.