The present work shows economic to the geoambientais aspects, partner, the economic process of occupation of the territory, aspects and ambient conditions of each city. Due to microregion it is located in the littoral area, the same one presents similar or even though equal characteristics. The occupation of the microregion if gave through the settling of the territory of Japaratuba, where the too much cities had been busy for indians, fishing and families who make possible the occupation and development of these areas. Currently the microregion presents population indices that the city of Japaratuba, Japoat and Pirambu indicates as bigger urban development. The microregion presents some decurrent factors of the action of the development that had harmed the environment of the region, however, it deserves prominence the Project of Protection Tartaruga Marinha (TAMAR) in Pirambu that, not only develops a work of protection of the fauna more also of the flora. 2 CONDICIONANTES GEOAMBIENTAIS OF the MICROREGION the state of Sergipe possess 75 cities. Due to similarity of ground, vegetation economic activity, these cities had been grouped in thirteen microregions.