New action – new diseases, hitherto unknown. Man drowns in the ocean they had created artificial fields of influence. The consequences of their impact as yet little understood. Everything that is done by man to ensure comfort and maximum convenience, communications and others created their own, their own effects on our body. This is a general characteristic of the man – at first successfully create the problem, then try (and sometimes fruitlessly) to solve it. Poor environment, social tension, the stress caused by external and internal psycho-emotional impact, reduce the immune system, undermining our health. Old diseases are modified, Taking a more severe form, and there are unknown ones.

Already have an antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms, there were quite allergic to conventional medicine. Moreover, the drugs in his Most have side effects, effect on the body which is not always possible to predict. The man faced a choice – or reduce harmful effects on the body, or learn to properly oppose them. Because no one wants to deprive themselves of the benefits of civilization, will have to find solutions to these problems and seek new ways to treat and protect the body. In the course of going any means, but were the results and a real help. Preference, of course, better to give bezmedikamentoznym and as safely as possible to the health facilities are not pulling for an even more unknown types of diseases. Actually, it's time to face the nature and use its limitless potential to help themselves.

Who is the best of Mother Nature knows her child and be able to protect and preserve? Get a new development of safe and proven for centuries treatment and prevention of diseases, leading the roots of folk and alternative medicine. Investigated and successfully applied in practice, energy methods, which are considered tools of medicine of the future, although this treatment also comes from the ancient times and, most all employed remarkable healers of the past – John the Baptist, St John and, of course, Jesus Christ. Nowadays, these methods do not knowingly receiving closer attention. Established and confirmed many kinds of bio-energy impacts that are beneficial to humans, had a serious help in the restoration of human health, activity, removal of various types of negative influences. In after 15-year research and development group of scientists from Murmansk received a unique energy-Tools – CD-drives – a product of the third millennium technology. On the site, "NE-drive – and live energy water "is widely represented by a whole line of the family of these unique products, which is recommended for widespread use. No side effects, ease of use and safety make them versatile helpers and companions for life. As the tools or the energy-vibration, resonance medicine, CD-drives can help solve several problems related to energy, technological, information and other dangerous lesions, an environmental fields. All that been introduced by man into the 21st century and what can be characterized by our comfortable modern era has brought its own problems. And many of these problems successfully solve new energy devices, a brilliant representative of whom are CD-drives.